Rebekah’s Journey: an historical novel by Ann Bell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I really wanted to like this book. The main character is an honorable woman, a Quaker in the 18th century, who faces hardship and overcomes. She travels from England to Pennsylvania as a girl then makes a life for herself in the new world. It’s a good story. Somehow, though, the telling fell a bit flat. It was as though the author was merely reporting the events. I didn’t get to live within them, to breathe the air of another time. It’s that ability to transport you to another time and place that sets the best historical novels apart from the rest, and unfortunately Rebekah’s Journey just doesn’t have it. That being said, I’m still glad I spent some time with the book. It was well worth the Kindle purchase price. And Rebekah is good company, inspiring company. That’s almost enough. Almost.
Susan Lynn Peterson
author of Clare, a Novel
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