In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, “Clare” is on sale for $1.99 until March 20th. If you haven’t yet read my novel about a young girl’s immigration from Ireland to St. Paul, go on over to Smashwords and enter the code WR97D to pick up a copy for 60% off the cover price. If you have friends who like historical fiction or coming-of-age stories, please share.

For the month of October, I’m offering Clare on a “set your own price” basis. Just go on over to Smashwords, download a 5% sample, and then decide what you want to pay for the rest. If you’ve ever thought books were too expensive, here’s your chance to do something about it.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m offering coupons on “Clare.” If you order from CreateSpace enter code SC679HTR to get 30% off. On Smashwords enter AL29U to get 30% off the e-book. Tell your Irish friends. (Hey, tell your non-Irish friends, too!) The offer is good until the 17th.

Here’s my holiday gift to you: Clare will be on sale until January 1, 2013.
• Prices on the ebook editions (Smashwords, Amazon, Sony, Kobo) are now $2.99.
• Order from Kobo, enter the code thankyou2012 and get another 35% off.
• Purchase the print edition directly from the printer,* enter the code KL75LT35, and you will get $6 off the cover price.
Do you know someone who loves historical fiction? Someone whose family came over from Ireland? Someone who enjoys journey tales? Give them a copy of Clare for Christmas. Smashwords has a give a gift link that makes giving Clare as a gift as easy as purchasing it for yourself.
Now is the time. These prices will go away January 1.
Learn more about the Clare
Read a sample
*Clare is printed by CreateSpace, a division of, so buying Clare from the printer gives you the same quality and security that you get from Amazon.

Alcuin Digital Classics (one of the imprints of my publishing company) has just released a Kindle version of F. J. Norman’s classic “The Fighting Man of Japan.” It details Norman’s experience with Kendo, Jujutsu, Sumo and the Japanese navy in late-nineteenth-century Japan. The photos are amazing and are now optimized for viewing on an Kindle.

The latest addition to the Alcuin Classics Digital Book series is now available: Carl Sandburg’s Smoke and Steel. I’ve always admired Sandburg’s ability to craft an image. It was a pleasure to resurrect this out-of-print book and offer it on Kindle.

I’m now offering electronic autographs for Clare and Western Herbs via Kindlegraph. So far these autographs are available on the Kindle, but I have to admit the technology is pretty cool. Check it out.

The contest at Goodreads is over. Congratulations to the winners: Beth Anne, Janet, and Marie.
To say thanks to everyone who entered, I’m issuing some special coupons that will be good through the end of the year. (Think end of the year gift giving!)
Buzz on over to the and enter the publisher’s Web page on CreateSpace and enter the code 8DH78R8R to get 20% off the cover price.
Would you rather read it on your e-reader? We have you covered on Smashwords. Enter the code JE56V to get 20% off the already low price of $4.99
The coupons expire at midnight on January 1. Thanks, everyone for your interest!

I’ve just launched the second in the Alcuin Classics series, the Yin Chih Wen: The Tract Of The Quiet Way. It’s available on Kindle. Check it out on

I’ve just released what I hope will be the first in a series of out of print classics scanned, edited, and adapted for Kindle. Check it out. If you are interested in seeing these texts adapted for other ebook formats, let me know.