A Wretched Man – A Novel of Paul the Apostle by RW Holmen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As someone who’s self-published a novel, I know that self-published books have to work twice as hard to prove their worth. When I pick something up on Smashwords, I assume it will be bad until it proves that it’s worth reading. I came to “A Wretched Man” in that spirit. Within the first dozen pages, I knew that the author could write. It wasn’t long after that that I figured out that he also had something worthwhile to say.
“A Wretched Man” is not only a good read, it’s thought provoking and solidly researched. It’s not just a regurgitation of the Acts of the Apostles. In fact, in a couple of places there are slight inconsistencies between the two. But the two authors are doing two very different things with their text, so the differences didn’t bother me much. “A Wretched Man” wonders out loud, “What was Paul really like?” “Why did he seem to be such an extremist in certain areas of doctrine and practice?” The book will probably tick some people off, but then so did Paul.
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