Elizabeth Street: A novel based on true eventsElizabeth Street: A novel based on true events by Laurie Fabiano

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love historical novels that allow you to live in another time and place for a little while. Elizabeth Street is just such a novel. You can feel the hundreds, or more likely thousands, of hours that went in to researching the setting. But the novel is more than just a description of a time, it’s also a solidly told story containing strong, likable characters. When I heard that it included a subplot about extortion by the Black Hand, I was wondering whether I would like it. I normally don’t enjoy mob books or movies. But this book is not a glorification of the mob, but rather is the story of a woman who overcame obstacles in a new world, one of those obstacles the criminal element of her time. I recommend it for anyone who enjoys early-twentieth-century historical fiction.

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